Walnut Dining Table with Black and Deep Blue Epoxy

Walnut and Epoxy Console Table with Rusty Espresso Base and Clear Polished Top Epoxy with Shelf

Walnut Dining Table with Purple Base Epoxy Layer and Polished Clear Top Epoxy Layer + Matching Bench

Walnut Dining Table with Black Base and Clear Polished Top Layer Epoxy Features

Walnut Coffee Table with Golden Brown Epoxy

Walnut Coffee Table with Sky Blue Epoxy

Walnut Coffee Table with Metallic Black Epoxy

Walnut Coffee Table with Deep Sea Blue Epoxy

Walnut Dining Table – Matte Black Urethane

Walnut Coffee Table with Pearl White Epoxy

Walnut Dining Table with Black and Blue Epoxy Rivers

Single Slab Walnut Dining Table with Flat Black Base and Clear Polished Top Epoxy